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Articles by Alex Walker
On the crest of a wave or re-branded a failure?
August 4, 2009
Too much Clough could kill him
March 10, 2009
Ban the banning of the banners
January 30, 2009
Daniel Taylor: Deep into the Forest
January 26, 2005
What shall we do with the sulking failure?
November 29, 2004
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by Alex Walker
The silent treatment: Forest fail to explain their financial strategy, but expect fans to cough up
July 29, 2015
Dougie Freedman has broken silence about Forest’s standing with Financial Fair Play, but when will Fawaz Al-Hasawi and ‘head of finance’ Lalou Tifrit explain the mess they have created? Back in February, when Fawaz Al-Hasawi was threatening [...]
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