LTLF Topic: manager

Three names in the hat for managerless Forest

by , October 12, 2011
If widespread reports are to be believed, Nottingham Forest have narrowed their search for a new manager, drawing up a final shortlist of three names: Steve Cotterill, Mark Robins and Kevin McDonald. There can be no doubt that following one of the most successful Championship managers currently around in Billy Davies, and a former England manager in Steve McClaren, these names will be a major disappointment to many fans who still have hopes of the City Ground being a lofty footballing haven for top quality bosses [...]

Nottingham Forest Flying Circus

by , October 3, 2011
First blood was drawn and the board took the hit... Pleat went down without a fight. Then the retaliation: Beswick was sacked, ending 15 years with McClaren. Would it help? The first test was at home against Birmingham [...]

Schtick it to ’em, Schteve

by , September 5, 2011
Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before: ambitious manager seeks to resurrect reputation and career at second tier club, also with aspirations to restore former glory; a short while into this apparently made-in-heaven match, ambitious manager discovers that the club might not be prepared to bleed cash in order to bolster the squad to the extent he deems necessary to secure promotion. Sound familiar? [...]

Forest sack Billy Davies: first reaction

by , June 12, 2011
LTLF generally has a neutral editorial policy, but the breaking news that Nottingham Forest have terminated Billy Davies’ contract one year short prompts me to put on record my utter shock and disgust at the actions of the Forest board [...]