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LTLF Topic: manager
The Ex Factor!
Peter Collison
, December 29, 2008
Life Without Calderwood
Alex Ottway
, December 29, 2008
Since you gotta go, oh you’d better go now…
Timothy Pope
, November 27, 2008
Director of football, director of demise?
Kadeem Griffiths-Reid
, September 15, 2008
What shall we do with the sulking failure?
Alex Walker
, November 29, 2004
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Tony Morgan, November 7, 2013
Greg Hall’s report on the Blackpool game on the Seat Pitch website noted how the first match after the clocks change for winter is always “blowy and just downright miserable” and boy was that description accurate for last Saturday. But it’s [...]
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