LTLF Topic: manager

Forest appoint Butterworth as manager

LTLF Exclusive by Football Correspondent, Si Coe
April 4, 2014
Fawaz Al-Hasawi welcomes Ian Butterworth back to the clubNottingham Forest have made the much-anticipated announcement that legendary former player Ian Butterworth will return to the club as manager at the end of this season.

Forest have been without a boss since sacking Billy Davies, but after protracted negotiations owner Fawaz Al-Hasawi was finally able to tell supporters he had got his man and they could soon look forward to seeing the famous ‘Butterworth Salute’ at the City Ground once more. [...]

A little bit of history repeating

by , March 27, 2014
When I wrote the headline for the article I published on Sunday – What should we do with the sulking failure? – I thought, ‘Hang on, I’m sure I’ve seen that somewhere before.’ But a quick Google didn’t answer my vague sense of déjà vu and with rumours already circulating about King Billy’s impending dethroning, I decided to risk accusations of plagiarism and published the piece post-haste.

Turns out I was plagiarising someone – myself. [...]

Half a decade of Billy Davies

by , March 25, 2014
The ‘Billy Davies Era’ was the least worst half-decade Forest have had in a while, but it was also rank with dirty laundry. Today, says one correspondent, Forest can begin to move on...